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Occupational Therapy
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The College of Allied Health Sciences recently celebrated its 82 student scholarship recipients with a recognition ceremony. Twelve donors joined faculty, staff, and students for the annual event hosted in partnership with the ECU Health Foundation.

Image by Ben Abel
Occupational Therapy students in the December 2023 graduating cohort all passed their certification exam on the first attempt – the sixth time in seven years that ECU’s program earned a 100%, first-time pass rate on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NCBOT).

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Dr. Jennifer Wright McDougal, Assistant Professor in Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies, received ECU’s Teacher-Scholar Award.
As a member of the 2024 award cohort, Dr. McDougal attended and was recognized during the University Teaching Awards Recognition and Celebration Ceremony.

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Amber Faircloth, Rehabilitation Sciences student with a concentration in Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Dr. Patrick Briley, Assistant Professor finished third in the Pirate Entrepreneurship Challenge with their virtual reality application, Talkative.
An additional product co-created by Dr. Briley finished in sixth place.
Kayla Flynn, Clinical Assistant Professor in Health Services and Information Management, participated in the 10-week ECU Faculty Resource Community program which offers resources in support, professional development, accountability, and community for faculty.
Dr. Leigh Atherton, Associate Professor and Interim Chair of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies, co-delivered a professional development workshop as part of the Trendsetter Series hosted by the Office of Faculty Excellence. Dr. Atherton is an inaugural recipient of REDE’s Mid-Career Trendsetter Award.
Emily Brewer – Teaching Assistant Professor, Tricia Carter – Clinical Assistant Professor, and Ellen Poland – Clinical Assistant Professor, in Communication Sciences and Disorders engaged in the Active Learning and Leadership program which explores ways to incorporate student leadership within a course. Prof. Brewer facilitated the program while Profs. Carter and Poland participated in the cohort of 12.
Drs. Dominiquie Clemmons-James and Chevelle Waddell, assistant professors in Addictions and Rehabilitation Sciences, received a 2024 ECU Teaching Grant to develop the project, Music & Lyrics in Counselor Education.
More Student Success Stories

Image by Steven Mantilla
Clinical Laboratory Science received a new device to help students identify blood types with greater accuracy and speed. The Ortho Clinical Diagnostics workstation supplements traditional methods taught by the department’s faculty and staff. WNCT interviewed Dr. Guyla Evans, Clinical Associate Professor and Chair, for a news feature on the device.

Image by Steven Mantilla
Briana Toplin, Ph.D. student in Counselor Preparation and Research in the Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies, shared her health journey and discovery of ECU’s graduate program, for a recent Pirate Profile.

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The departments of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy brought students together for their annual pediatric case study interprofessional event. In small groups with representation from each, students learned about the other disciplines, limitations of their own discipline in a specific case, and how their specialty can complement another in effective patient care. Tricia Carter, Clinical Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Dr. Christine Lysaght, Clinical Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy, and Dr. Lauren Turbeville, Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy, organized the event.
Kathryn Hough and Brynna Wolfe, Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate students, completed a two-day Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) training, sharing that they felt well-prepared by their program to participate in the exercises.

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The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) selected Ellen Cahoon, graduate student, to participate in the 2024 Institute for Future Scientists in Occupational Therapy.
Ellen networked with OT scientists, engaged in special programming, and presented her research alongside the 30 other members of her cohort.

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First Year graduate students in Communication Sciences and Disorders provided speech and hearing screenings to children at the Nancy Darden Child Development Center in collaboration with the College of Health and Human Performance.

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Abby Croom – Clinical Instructor, Angie Garcia – Clinical Laboratory Science student, and Dr. Guyla Evans – Clinical Associate Professor and Chair – attended an outreach event at Sampson Community College (pictured).
Members of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) met with students at Hope Middle School during Career Day.
Faculty, staff, and student representatives attended the North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants (NCAPA) HBCU Pre-PA recruitment fair.

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Students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders and Audiology programs attended the CARE Project 6th Annual Parent Professional Collaborative with Emily Brewer (pictured far right), Teaching Assistant Professor, and Kim Womack (second from right), Clinical Instructor.
The event connects professionals to parents of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

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Tricia Carter and Sherri Winslow, clinical assistant professors in Communication Sciences and Disorders, visited Punta Gorda, Belize with nine undergraduate and two graduate students for a study abroad service-learning trip facilitated by Therapy Abroad.
The team provided screenings and therapy for both children and adults, learned from guest speakers, and toured sites.
Speech and Hearing Sciences undergraduate students later presented their experiences with the program upon returning to Greenville.
Judy Harrison, former Administrative Support Associate in Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies, received the Richard Caswell Award for her more than 45 years of state service.
Dr. Leigh Cellucci, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, received the Gary L. Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA). Dr. Cellucci was nominated for the award by two of her peers in recognition of her leadership and contributions to the field of healthcare management education.
Dr. Anne Dickerson, Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, received the Traffic Safety Partner of the Year Award at the NC Traffic Safety Conference and Expo for her research into older adult drivers and the bootcamp she hosts for young drivers with autism. Dr. Dickerson is the Director of ROADI (Research for Older Adult Driver Initiative).
Drs. Paul Bell and Robert Kulesher – both Professors in Health Services and Information Management – were recognized for 30 and 21 years of service, respectively, to East Carolina University at the College Recognition Ceremony (graduation) on May 3, 2024. They announced plans to retire this year.
Health Services and Information Management hosted the 2024 Consortium of Baccalaureate and Graduate Health Informatics and Information Management Educators’ Annual Meeting with professionals representing nearly a dozen organizations from across the country.
Attendees participated in sessions with a range of topics from program and course design to experiential learning and the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) examination.

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Dr. Chevelle Waddell, Assistant Professor (left), and Samantha Campbell (right), Program Coordinator, attended the Recovery Alliance Initiative (RAI) Mid-Year Symposium where they connected with Jarmichael “J” Harris (middle), inaugural recipient of the Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies Alumni Award.
Dr. Christine Lysaght, Clinical Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy, published an interview she conducted with three members of the Interprofessional Diabetes Clinic at the ECU Health Family Medicine Center in a recent edition of the North Carolina Medical Journal.

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Students and faculty in the Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies spent a week learning about group counseling and interviewing practices in London and Paris.
The program – part of ECU’s Pirates Abroad initiative – included a special emphasis on the experiences of Black individuals in addiction, mental health, and other rehabilitation settings.

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