Recipients Table Test

CAHS Scholarship Recipients

RecipientInformation and Academic ProgramScholarship(s)Quote
Nikki Arnold-MinkleyNikki Arnold-Minkley
Creedmoor, NC
Clinical Counseling
Expected Grad 2022
The Louise O. Burevitch Scholarship in Addictions and Rehabilitation StudiesI want to guide clients to find meaning and purpose in life. This scholarship helps me to help others.
Holly Batt
Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Nutrition & Dietetics
Expected Grad 2022
The Elsie Faith Seal Scholarshipmy dream full-time. This is something I am doing entirely on my own, thusly requiring a great deal of sacrifice. The additional funding this provides makes a huge difference in my day to day life.
Bayles, JocelynJocelyn Bayles
Wake Forest, NC
Nutrition Science
Expected Graduation: 2023
The Louise O. Burevitch Memorial Scholarship for the College of Allied Health Sciences"Receiving this scholarship enables me to be able to focus on my studies and my academic goals. It relieves financial pressure that adds stress to pursuing higher education."
Biagini, MayaBiagini, Maya
Raleigh, NC
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Expected Graduation: 2023
The Louise O. Burevitch Memorial Scholarship for the College of Allied Health Sciences &
The Tanya Johnson McDowell and Riley Floyd Scholarship in Speech Pathology
"It means the world to have the support of such an incredible university and donors. Thank you for your generosity! Aside from the substantial financial benefit, it is also validating and an honor to receive this kind of recognition and vote of confidence."
Bitter, MargaretMargaret Bitter
Hometown: Tampa, FL
Occupational Therapy
Expected Graduation: 2021

The Louise O. Burevitch Scholarship in Occupational Therapy"Receiving this scholarship is important to me because it provides support to aid me in achieving my career goal of becoming an Occupational Therapist."
Boatman, MarinaMarina Boatman
Raleigh, NC
Health Services Management
Expected Graduation: 2022
The Louise O. Burevitch Scholarship in Health Services Management"This will help ease the financial burden for my education and allow for me to put more time and effort into my school work. With this scholarship, I further succeed academically and achieve my goal of becoming a future health administrator."