CAHS Research Day

When will CAHS Research day be held? 

CAHS Research Day will be held on April 29th, 2020. This is Reading Day.

Where is CAHS Research Day located?

CAHS Research Day will be located a the East Carolina Heart Institute at ECU. The address is 115 Heart Dr, Greenville, NC 27834.

Does it cost to attend CAHS Research Day?

No, Research Day is free to all presenters, students, and the general public.

Do I have to present in order to attend?

No! We encourage all students to submit abstracts in order to present. However, if you want to come learn about others’ research, you are more than welcome.

Where do I submit an abstract to present?

Please click here to submit an abstract by March 7, 2020.

Will I receive an email confirming that my abstract was received?

Yes, you will receive a confirmation email within 2 business days of your submission.

If I am presenting, what should I wear?

We encourage all in attendance at Research Day to dress in business professional attire.

How big should my poster be?

Posters should be formatted 36 inches x 48 inches.

How long will each oral presentation be?

Each presentation she be 8 minutes in length, with 2-minutes for questions.

Who should be mentioned on my abstract and poster/oral presentation?

Please list all authors – including first and last name. Additionally, please list any mentoring faculty that assisted with the research project(s). Ensure that authorship order is listed correctly.

Do I have to stay the entire day?

We encourage students to stay for the entire day. Students will be offered a ticket for each oral session and poster session they attend. These tickets will be used for the attendance raffle.

Please email any additional questions to Chia-Cheng Lin, PhD at