CAHS Welcomes 2 New Faculty Members!

CAHS and the Department of Physical Therapy Welcomes 2 New Faculty Members!


Welcome Dr. Swati Surkar! Dr. Surkar completed her BS and MS in Physical Therapy. She then obtained her PhD in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2016. She also completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University, St. Louis School of Medicine in the area of neurorehabilitation.

Dr. Surkar is interested in promoting functional independence for children and young adults with neuromotor disorders. With her primary population of interest being individuals with cerebral palsy (CP), Dr. Surkar aims to develop a novel, mutli-disciplinary scientific framework for improving neurorehabilitation outcomes for children and young adults with CP and other neuromotor disorders.



Welcome Dr. Ted Graber! Dr. Graber completed his BS degree in Biology and Physiology (double major) and his PhD in Rehabilitation Science: Muscle Biology Track from the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities. He also completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Muscle Metabolism at the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Dr. Graber is interested in the effect that aging has on skeletal muscles and the neuromuscular system. He investigates molecular mechanisms that underlie age-related loss of both physical and cognitive function and is searching for potential therapeutics. His specific disease states of interest include sarcopenia, frailty, and mild cognitive dysfunction.