Congratulations Dr. Henderson!

Congratulations to Dr. Henderson! Dr. Henderson, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, successfully defended her dissertation, “Discourse Processing Treatment vs. APT-2 in Adults with Mild and Moderate TBI” under the direction of Dr. Heather Harris Wright.

Dr. Henderson’s research thus far has investigated the effectiveness of treatment protocols in improving discourse and cognition in adults with TBI. Her results suggest that Discourse Processing Treatment (DPT) results in greater improvement in discourse informativeness and coherence and that the combination of DPT and Attention Process Training-2 (APT-2) resulted in greater generalization to untrained stimuli.

Dr. Henderson plans to continue to pursue translational research and basic research in order to develop evidence based treatment protocols. She also plans to investigate the effectiveness of other discourse based treatment protocols in improving discourse and cognition in various clinical populations. She also hopes to explore the relationship between different aspects of high level attention and discourse comprehension/production in different clinical populations.