Taylor Key, BS, DPT (student)

Taylor KeyGraduate Research Assistant

Department of Physical Therapy
College of Allied Health Sciences
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Email: :keyt19@students.ecu.edu

I am a current 2nd year DPT student at ECU. I am a new member to the team as I began my graduate assistantship with Dr. Surkar in the PeARL lab in early Summer 2023. My current interests are with the pediatric population in physical therapy, so I am excited to work alongside research participants and their families to achieve their goals. I look forward to working with Dr. Surkar and the PeARL Lab Team and learning from all the different backgrounds of education throughout the team!


  • DPT: 2nd year, East Carolina University
  • BS(Biology): University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill