Lab Director
Current Team Members
Caroline Smith
“Hi! My name is Caroline Smith and I’m a graduate student in the Speech-Language Pathology graduate program at ECU. I am from Belmont, NC, and attended Appalachian State University for undergrad.”
Janette Ramirez
Janette is a senior majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences and minoring in Hispanic Studies and Disabilities Studies. Her goal is to attend graduate school to become a speech-language pathologist and give back to underserved communities and vulnerable populations. She is interested in learning about neurogenic communicative disorders and bilingual development.
Kiara Sandoval
Kiara is an ECU senior from Raleigh, North Carolina. Social and personal interactions with patients continue to connect with her clinical work. Her goal is to become a certified speech-language pathologist that helps patients through technology and research.
Current & Past Collaborators
Tracy Love
Language and Neuroscience Group
Language and Neuroscience Group
Jennifer Mack
Neuroscience of Language and Aphasia lab
Neuroscience of Language and Aphasia lab
M-Marsel Mesulam
Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease
Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease
Stewart Mostofsky
Center for Neurocognitive and Imaging Research
Center for Neurocognitive and Imaging Research
Cynthia K. Thompson
Aphasia and Neurolinguistics research laboratory
Aphasia and Neurolinguistics research laboratory
Michael T. Ullman
Brain and Language lab
Brain and Language lab