Techniques and Equipment
(more details coming soon)
Functional Testing
Physical Function
- Rotarod (overall motor function)
- Treadmill (endurance, aerobic exercise capacity)
- Grip Meter (limb strength)
- Inverted Cling (full body strength/endurance)
- Voluntary Wheel Running, VWR (volitional exercise and activity rate)
Cognitive Function
- Open Field (anxiety and exploratory behavior)
- Y-Maze (working memory)
- Novel Object Recognition (memory)
- Puzzle BOx (executive function)
Contractile Function
- ex vivo / in vitro contractile physiology (force, velocity and power of contraction in soleus, extensor digitorum longus, or diaphragm muscle)
- in vivo contractile physiology (maximum isometric plantar flexor, quadriceps, or dorsiflexor torque output)
Gene Expression
- NGS RNAseq
- rt-qPCR
Protein Expression and Cell Signaling
- Mass Spectrometry
- Western Immunoblotting
- muscle cell cross-sectional area and fiber typing
- muscle cell culture characterization
Mitochondrial Function
- Citrate Synthase Activity Assay
- High Resolution Respirometry
Gain/Loss of Function
- Viral Vectors
- siRNA
Cell Culture
Immortalized Lines
- C2C12
- MCR5
Primary Cells
- Human Primary Myocytes
- Mouse Primary Myocytes