
Principle Investigator:

Lab PI picture

Ted G. Graber, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Physical Therapy (primary)

Dept. of Physiology, Dept. of Kinesiology

East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity Institute Affiliate Faculty

ECU Graduate Faculty





CV: Graber_Public CV_2023

NCBI Bibliography:

Lab Staff and Students:

Former Lab Members

Former Lab Members

Current Lab Members

No currently open or filled positions.



We are always looking for motivated and talented people to help with our research projects. Please Contact Us for more details.


PhD Students:

We have one PhD student starting in Fall 2025. The Rehabilitation Sciences Program ( is actively recruiting. Please Contact Us for more details.


MS Students:

None currently in lab.


DPT Capstone Research Students:

Lucas Tripp, BS

ECU DPT Class of  2026

Project: Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Middle-Aged Female Mice


Logan McCollum

ECU DPT Class of  2026

Project: Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Middle-Aged Female Mouse Soleus Muscle


DPT Graduate Assistants:


Lucas Tripp, BS

ECU DPT Class of 2026

Project: High Intensity Interval Training in Middle-Aged Female Mice


Undergraduate Research Assistants

Xavier Silvers

ECU Exercise Physiology BSA Class of 2027

Project: Currently lab volunteer


Rusho Moinuddin

ECU Nursing BS Class of 2028

Project: HIIT in Female Middle-Aged Mice


Openings for Undergraduate Research Assistants and DPT Graduate Assistants

We currently have openings for ECU undergraduate students to become involved in various projects in the lab.

We have current funding available for a DPT GA. 

If interested please Contact Us.